
Yam Paste Water-Based Pastry Dough
1kg Yam 150g Plain Flour
200g Brown Sugar 40g Shortening
30ml Vegetable Oil 15g Fine Sugar
70g Water
Egg Wash Oil-Based Pastry Dough
1 Whole Egg 130g Plain Flour
10ml Water 80g Shortening

1. Methods for Yam Paste:

1. De-skin and cut yam into cubes. Steam yam for 45 minutes until soft and cooked.

2. In a medium heated pot, heat oil and add the steamed yam and brown sugar. Cook until the yam softens further, whisk well until yam paste forms, and set aside to coo

2. Methods for Pastry Dough:

3. To form water-based dough, mix shortening, fine sugar, water and plain flour in a mixing bowl. To form oil-based dough, mix shortening and plain flour in a separate mixing bowl.

4. Halve each dough to form two parts, wrap in cling wrap and set aside for 30 minutes.

5. Take one-half of each dough, and roll out on separate sheets of baking paper.

6. Place oil-based dough on top of the water-based dough. Then fold in the top and bottom of the dough stack such that they overlap in the middle. Flip over, and roll out the combined dough.

7. Fold, flip, and roll out the dough again. Repeat these steps for about 3 times

8. After the third time, roll the dough up like a Swiss roll and flatten the dough by rolling it vertically. Then roll it up again. Repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 for the other half of each dough.

9. Preheat oven at 180°C using 'Top and Bottom Heat' mode.

10. Cut the rolled up dough into portions of about 25g each and portion yam paste into balls of about 40g each.

11. To make egg wash, beat one whole egg with water.

12. Flatten the portioned dough, place a ball of yam paste in the centre, and seal it.

13. Place the mooncakes on a baking tray lined with baking paper and brush them evenly with egg wash.

14. Bake for about 20 minutes.

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