
Step 1.
Marinate the chicken leg with lemon juice, salt, pepper, Cajun spice and cayenne pepper.

Step 2.
Coat the chicken leg with corn flour and lightly fry to light golden brown. * Chef’s tip: For a healthier version, grill instead of fry the chicken.

Step 3.
Lightly fry the white and brown mushrooms with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 4.
Add in thyme, bay leaf, carrot and French beans.

Step 5.
Pour in a cup of water, the honey and a pinch of Cajun spice.

Step 6.
Let the mixture simmer, before adding yogurt and unsalted butter.

Step 7.
Place the chicken legs onto a baking try and pour in the mixture.

Step 8.
Bake in an oven at 200°C for 3 to 5min.