Series 8 Built-in compact oven with microwave function 60 x 45 cm BlackCMG7241B1
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Series 8 Built-in compact oven with microwave function 60 x 45 cm BlackCMG7241B1
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Technical Overview
Installation typology
Max. microwave power level
900 W
Main colour of product
Cavity capacity
45 l
Integrated Cleaning system
Number of Power Levels
Special Features
the simple and innovative way to select oven settings.
easy control thanks to an innovative Digital Control Ring and TFT touchscreen.
cooking process automatically stops as soon as the dish is done.
easily set the right programme.
delicious inspirations that match your taste.
Manual and Documents
Series 8 Built-in compact oven with microwave function 60 x 45 cm BlackCMG7241B1
Recommended retail price
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