Series 6 Free-standing dishwasher 60 cm Brushed steel anti-fingerprintSMS6ECI11E
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Series 6 Free-standing dishwasher 60 cm Brushed steel anti-fingerprintSMS6ECI11E
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Hygiene Certification
Technical Overview
Main colour of product
Brushed steel anti-fingerprint
Number of programs
Drying system
Heat exchanger + drying assist
Additional operational options
Remote control, EfficientDry, Half load, SpeedPerfect Plus, Machine Care Programme
Connected appliances with Home Connect
Special Features
improved drying performance by automatic door opening.
flexible and stable loading for your dishes, with superior sliding performance.
VarioDrawer™ is an extra handy third loading level where cutlery, kitchen utensils and espresso cups can be perfectly separ
home appliances with smart connectivity for an easier everyday life
extra cleaning for items in your top basket.
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Series 6 Free-standing dishwasher 60 cm Brushed steel anti-fingerprintSMS6ECI11E
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Hygiene Certification