Water Filter for coffee machines and coffee centres
Article Nr: 00461732
Content: 1x water filter
- Removes chlorine from water therefore improving quality and taste
- One cartridge filters 50 litres of water, approximately 400 cups
- Filter will need to be replaced every 2 months, or as notified by your appliance. Always remove the filter when descaling the appliance
- Suitable for appliances TKN68E... TK60001GB... TK64002GB... TK68E7GB
lower. [1]

Brita Intenza Filter
Article Nr: 00575491
Content: 1 x water filter
- Removes chlorine from tap water
- Protects appliance from limescale deposits and improves taste and aroma of coffee
-Adjustable, depending on water hardness
- Suitable for appliances Suitable for TCA7... TCC78.../ TK7.../ TE7.../ TES.../ EQ7.../ Verobar/ Veroprofessional/ C77V6.../ CM250 and various older models.