Defrosting your fridge - here is how to do
To defrost your fridge, first turn the appliance off and unplug it or turn it off at the fuse. This will ensure that there is no electrical current. If your fridge has a freezer compartment, store the frozen goods containers with the food in a cool place. If you have an ice pack, place it on top of the food. Place a shallow dish under the defrosted water outlet to collect the defrosted water from your fridge. Now open the water outlet. To speed up the fridge defrosting process, place two pots of hot water on trivets inside your appliance. Once you have defrosted your fridge, empty out the defrosted water you have collected. Wipe away any residual defrosted water from the bottom of the appliance using a sponge. Close the water outlet. Once the defrosting is complete, you can reconnect your appliance and turn it back on. By the way, NoFrost appliances do not need to be defrosted.